What is Dog Deshedding?

Dogs are not as good at keeping their coat in good condition as cats are. When shedding, they may need a little extra help removing the shedding hair. The truth is that some cats even need a little help with this. 

We make it a part of our regular care to take away all of the shredded hair to keep your dog's coat in the excellent condition that it needs to be in. 

We use a delicate process of applying professional pet grooming brushes to your dog's coat to remove any extra hair. 

Your dog's coat is a vital part of her health, and it is imperative to keep it in the best condition possible. 

We will also instruct you to remove any extra hair that your dog sheds yourself gently. Home care is critical in between the times when we visit your dog.

The dog grooming process of taking care of your dog's coat is also an excellent way for you to bond with your pet. When we take care of your dog's skin as a part of our services, we make sure to take the time to bond with your dog. We look forward to seeing your dog regularly, and we hope to become a part of your extended family. 

It is also an excellent way to keep your house clean to let us take away your dog's extra hair. Shedding can leave a mess that is very hard to clean up. Let us do all of the work and bring your dog in for a complete mobile pet grooming that includes removing extra hair from shedding.


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